Dr. Nicolas DUPIN
Research and professional pages:
Publons (Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics)
Github (to share code and instances for research)
DBLP (warning incomplete, missing publications indexed in mathematics or industrial engineering)
Dr. Nicolas Dupin is Associate Professor at University of Angers since sept 2022, member of the lab LERIA, in research the team MOC (Metaheuristics and Combinatorial Optimization). He was before Assistant Professor in Université Paris-Saclay,
member of the research team ROCS (Networking & Stochastic and Combinatorial Optimization) of the LRI (Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, LISN since the 1st of January 2021), the Laboratory for Computer Science at Université Paris-Saclay, joint with CNRS, the National Center for Scientific Research. Nicolas Dupin defended his Ph.D degree in Computer Science in 2015 from the Université Lille, the PhD was supervized by Prof. El-ghazali Talbi in the computer science lab CRIStAL. Nicolas Dupin is a graduated engineer from Ecole Polytechnique (l'X) and ENSTA ParisTech.
His research field is included in Operations Research (OR), developing algorithms for decision-making problems. It includes constrained optimization problems with uncertainties in the input parameters and/or with several objective functions, trying to find the best compromise solutions. Mixed Integer (Linear) Programming (MIP) techniques were mainly investigated in his research in industrial contexts, with hybridization "matheuristics" to tackle larger size instances than using only pure mathematical programming techniques. The modeling facilities of mathematical approaches are useful to tackle industrial optimization problems with many types of variables and constraints. Hybridizing heuristics, mathematical programming, constraint programming and machine learning techniques is a rich research field, these approaches have indeed complementary advantages that can be combined in different contexts. If hybrid heuristics were used for complex industrial problems, Nicolas Dupin is interested to challenge such approaches for more classical optimization problems, based on permutations or optimization in graphs.