This page provides the academic and industrial projects where Nicolas Dupin is/was involved:
- Optimization of vehicle routing problems with electric vehicles: currently, the subject of the PhD thesis of Yue Su, Université Paris-Saclay - CentraleSupélec and IRT SystemX, Optimization models and methods for solving dial-a-ride problems with electric vehicles. Co-supervised with Prof. Jakob Puchinger (CentraleSupélec and IRT SystemX).
- Optimization of the maintenance planning of aircrafts for the French Air Army: First work with the master thesis of Philibert de Chastellux in ENSTA ParisTech, training financed by the French Procurement Agency of the Defense Ministry (DGA). Several collaborations followed with ISAE-Supaéro, furnishing a software prototype for the Air Army. The PhD thesis of Franco Pescheria was co-financed on the subject, the PhD is co-supervized with Prof. Olga Battaïa and Prof. Alain Haït, with the participation of Dassault Aviation, and the delivery of a prototype designed their specificities.
- Clustering in a two dimensional Pareto front: System Engineering issues from Multi-objective optimization in the French Procurement Agency of the Defense Ministry (DGA) motivated to study this specific clustering problem. Work in progress with Prof. El-Ghazali Talbi and Prof. Frank Nielsen and research work in Université Paris-Saclay.
- Site-dependent technician routing problem with time windows: Facing logistic and transportation problems in DGA, a toy problem similar to a Site-dependent VRPTW was studied.
- System engineering and optimization planning for the System of System SCCOA: the project management of SCCOA, the French system of systems for military air traffic management, used System Engineering for decision making. A scheduling problem of deployment was solved using optimization techniques in a collaboration SCCOA with MOSS S.A.S (joint venture Airbus et Thales). The decision making prototype is currently used in DGA.
- Optimization of the maintenance planning of French nuclear power plants: The problem was the subject of the EURO/ROADEF Challenge 2010 defined by EDF. The PhD of Nicolas Dupin dealt mainly with this problem, under the supervision of Prof. El-Ghazali Talbi in Université Lille, CRIStAL. The problem was studied with exact MIP formulation and matheuristic works, and with robust optimization and multi-objective extensions.
- Optimization of the daily production of French thermal generating units: Master thesis work for the graduation of ENSTA ParisTech in the R&D department of the French Utility Company, EDF R&D, under the supervision of Tomas Simovic. This gave rise to the study of the "Unit Commitment Problem with min-stop ramping constraints", with exact MIP formulation and matheuristic works.
- Optimization of the train timetabling wit respect to maintenance operations: Master thesis work for the Master 1 graduation in Ecole Polytechnique, in the R&D department of the French RailwayCompany, SNCF Innovation&Recherche , and continued in the ENSTA ParisTech curriculum, under the supervision of Dr. HDR Francis Sourd. This gave rise to a prototype using Dynamic Programming and extensions using MIP models.